Blueridge/Silverado Fire Base camp

Start Date: 10/29/2020


HOPE was asked by CalFire to respond to the Blueridge/Silverado Fire base camp located in Irvine California. We arrived at 0630 so we could attend the 0700 briefing of the firefighters. After the briefing, we were asked to walk the "fire truck line". We had several interactions before the briefing began (including firefighter Kevin Malloy- who we have worked on numerous deployments) and then hundreds of interactions after. Everyone seemed very happy to see the dogs, many mentioned seeing the HOPE dogs the day before, and several people visited more than once. On more than one occasion people sought us out, or brought peers to us rather than waiting for us to get to them. Everyone was very appreciative of our presence and many did multiple visits.

Though there were many amazing interactions, this one was the best:
One firefighter saw Bagel from afar, asked if that was Bagel, and then he then pulled out an old trading card of Bagel and told Grace he had kept it in his pocket for years! That card was probably retired about 1-2 years ago.

Agency: Calfire Peer Support

Grace Chen & Bagel
