Boulder Deployment

Start Date: 04/16/2021


HOPE Animal-Assisted Crisis Response was requested to respond to the March 22, 2021 mass shooting that occurred at the King Soopers grocery store in Boulder, Co. As this was a seven week deployment, HOPE Teams were requested from across the nation in order to give the continued support needed for the Boulder Community. Nancy Steger and Gus and Rebel and myself deployed from Texas in the CGC Region working at the Boulder Resource Center the 16th and 17th of April. Upon arrival at the Boulder Strong Resource Center, we were immediately greeted by Sandy Miller our Team Leader who showed us around and was available at all times to meet our needs. All of the agencies offering support were located around the room with a living room set up in the center of the room which was where we and our dogs were located. This was a good arrangement as HOPE had their own little area and it was a good ice breaker for those coming in prior to going to one of the agency offices. As our dogs often detect anxiety, Rebel and Gus seemed to know to just snuggle in real close to the person and be there for as long as the person needed them. A couple of folks had been there every single day and we would hear them say their anxiety had been reduced by just being with the HOPE dogs. We were there two days and both days folks trickled in throughout the day but the days were slow and particularly the second day as the original plan was we were to accompany the employees back into the grocery store so there were six dogs but at the last minute, the HOPE dogs were not needed so it was a little crowded in the HOPE living room but we all managed. This was an emotional deployment and especially when walking by the Wall but we were all very professional and respectful during this deployment.

Agency: Boulder Human Resources

Nancy Steger and Gus
