Camp Quality, Ohio/Virtual Visit

Start Date: 07/31/2020


HOPE teams have been deploying to Camp Quality in Ohio for several years. This is a summer camp for kids diagnosed with cancer and blood disorders. One of the goals of the camp is to just have fun and be a kid again. However, because of the pandemic, we were not able to be at the campsite this year. But we were part of their virtual morning Zoom meeting with camp counselors and kids. The virtual visit was coordinated by Whitney Romine, the Ohio State Coordinator. Carrie Jones talked about what HOPE does and showed the campers all of the badges that Darby has earned being a "Scout" dog. She also went through her backpack and explained what items we carry and why we have them. Oliver and I defaulted to doing lots of tricks for the kids and counselors. The July 2020 updated HOPE “Volunteer Virtual Visit Tool Kit” has some great suggestions for taking part in virtual deployments. They included dressing up the dog, a food puzzle, a card trick, hide and seek, jumping through a hula-hula hoop and pawing at a Little Tykes 4 keyed piano. This provided a lot of gross motor movement to engage the campers as they were mostly elementary age.

Agency: Camp Quality, Ohio

Bob Starr and Oliver/Carrie Jones and Darby
