Child Care Connections Bozeman, MT
Start Date: 07/22/2019Description:
HOPE was contacted to assist employees with a death of an employee's only child. The accidental death occurred late last week. The mother and her coworker were driving back from out of town and were notified that the child had been hit by a car and died. This is a very close office with 10-12 employees who provide child care resources and referrals to 6 counties in Montana. Gail, Lamar and I met outside of the office. Gail stayed outside while I made contact with POC Kristin Horne. Kristin showed me through the office and were she would like the canine team to visit with employees. One employee was allergic to dogs, but she was not at the office and she previously stated she was OK with the canine team coming through. I met the staff and each was asked by POC if they were OK with the canine team coming through. All employees were in agreement. Gail and Lamar came in and met with Kristin and began going from office to office. As the team leader I waited in the lobby and talked with the Executive Director. Gail and Lamar visited with 9 people and made a second round to cover the people who were busy earlier. The two people who were most impacted, the mother and her coworker were not at the office today. Gail, Lamar, and I waited for the coworker who was expected to come in, but the Executive Director came and let us know that she was not coming in today.
Agency: Child Care ConnectionsTeams:
Gail Richardson and Lamar, Gala Goodwin TL