Coconino County VOAD MEETING

Start Date: 06/19/2019


This was the bi-monthly Coco. Co. VOAD meeting with attendees from Emergency Management team, County Health, Red Cross, United Way, Coco, Co Court System, etc.
Most of the early discussion concerned the ongoing fires in southern and central Arizona but with an eye to the increasing heat and low humidity in No. Az.

Todd Whitney of the Coco. Co. Emer. Team gave an update on the mass casualty software currently being rolled out, as well as Page, AZ contracting with Coco EMC.

Ben Wilson/Co Health & CC EM discussed the new Emergency Notification System being rolled out to assist in communication with the Access and Function Needs population.

Dustin Kirk of the AZ Dept of Emer Mgmt gave an update from the Whole Community Reliance Summit and also spoke about the Pediatric Disaster Response course that all HOPE teams have been encouraged to participate in in late October. (Confirming it will be held in Flagstaff, not Phoenix.)
He also told us that when people sign up to rent their homes through AirBnB there is a place on the application to indicate if they are willing to offer their lodgings FREE to Disaster Responders. This is something all HOPE members should know about throughout the country.

There was an opportunity at the close of the meeting to tell everyone of upcoming events, I spoke about the AZ Screening in August and the workshop in October, Sybil Smith said she and another northern Az team were eager to participate and had already submitted their applications.

Agency: Coconino County VOAD

