County of San Diego Public Health Nurses Annual Spring Education Day

Start Date: 2022-05-17

Description: The County of San Diego Public Health Nurses typically hold an all day annual spring education event at Marina Village in Mission Bay. However, due to COVID-19 they have not held this event in three years. Public Health Nurses have worked the front lines in all kinds of weather elements; working nights, weekends, overtime and holidays. I was told, the nurses have endured significant stress and mental health challenges which they are still processing. The majority of nurses were recently released back to their previous positions...Maternal Child Health, Tuberculosis, Refugee Health, STD Clinics, Adult Protective Services, Children's Services and more. When Dakota and I walked through the doors, the tension in the room was palpable. We met with the Agency Contact person who asked us to interact with nurses in the registration line, and then those that were already seated. We were warmly welcomed, and as we went from person to person, I could feel the stress and tension within the room dissipate.

Agency: County of San Diego Health & Human Services Agency
Teams: None