Cranston Apartment Building Walkway Collapse
Start Date: 2021-07-07Description: Yesterday an apartment building in Cranston, RI suffered a partial collapse. The collapse affected 39 units and temporarily displaced 80 people. The local chapter of the American Red Cross worked with the local fire department and the mayor’s office to secure food and temporary lodging for the displaced residents. Today representatives from several RIVOAD agencies attended an organizational event to provide a variety of additional forms of assistance for those affected by the disaster. Despite receiving notice of the event at the very last minute, agencies in attendance included the Salvation Army, Catholic Charities, St. Vincent DePaul Society, Family Services, and CCAP in addition to the American Red Cross and HOPE Animal Assisted Crisis Response. Rafter and I visited with many of the people attending the meeting including members of the assisting agencies. Of note was the extended time we spent visiting with Mya, a 4-year-old girl in attendance with members of her family. Mya was noticeably quiet and shy when I first approached with Rafter. However, she slowly started to relax and enjoyed visiting with Rafter. Her family seemed to appreciate the distraction Rafter provided while they met with various representatives to learn what additional support was available from the local VOAD agencies.
Agency: American Red Cross - Rhode Island ChapterTeams: None