Greenbelt Mass Vaccination Center
Start Date: 2021-04-24Description: State of Maryland saw need for vaccination center in more desirable areas. They directed FEMA to create mass vax center, in ninety hours. FEMA contacted MD VOAD, and gave us two days to provide thirty volunteers a day, for eight weeks, starting in two days, and this was as Easter holiday started. As MD VOAD Vice-Chair, Shellie and I went to check out how things were going. FEMA, MEMA (Maryland Emergency Management Agency), and others, know us and asked to see our dogs. They requested we tour the facility with them. They of course did "their thing". The next morning, I received a call from FEMA, asking that we have one or two teams there, every day, when they first open. We have been soliciting EUS teams to deploy there ever since.
Agency: FEMATeams: None