Incident Command Site / Fire Camp
Start Date: 2019/08/14Description: I stopped by in the am at the Incident Command Site / Fire Camp to see if they would be interested in a HOPE dog coming to visit the firemen and when would be a good time to come back. I didn't talk to the chief but his next in charge. I was told to come back around 7pm. I showed up around 6:30 pm, met with the chief and gave him a brochure about HOPE. He didn't sound enthused because of a bad experience the year before when another group showed up at the evacuation site and were helping people evacuate their pets. They were more in the way and he felt made a dangerous situation worse. I assured him that we don't just show up but that I had contacted them before I came. The chief as also involved in the Freeman School shooting and saw what the dogs did there. I visited the staff in the command center. Tucker seemed well received. I then waited for the firefighters to return from the fire for the night. Tucker was well received. I told them I would come back the next two nights and the ones who had visited with Tucker were happy to hear that he was coming back.
Agency: Incident commandTeams: none