Oregon Health Authority

Start Date: 2020-10-05

Description: Teal heard about the HOPE dogs from the work we did with Clackamas County Fire District. She is employed by Responder First and felt our dogs could be very helpful to the employees and staff at Oregon Health Authority with all the extra work/hours they are putting in due to COVID in our state. Mackenzie and Sebastian went out on Oct. 5th for about an hour and a half visiting with about 20 people. They had a great experience and from what I heard on my visit with them yesterday they all loved Sebastian and it was extremely helpful having him there. Jazzi and I went out yesterday the 13th and spent two hours visiting about 10 to 15 people. We were set up in a large area with hand sanitizer available for everyone to use before interacting with Jazzi so it felt very safe. I got a lot of comments on how valuable it was to have the dogs there so felt it was a very effective deployment. I was able to talk quite a bit to Teal and Trey (head of Responder First) during slow times so I had an opportunity to give them more details on what environments and situations our dogs are trained for since crisis work is what they do. Wanted them to know these dogs are well trained and conditioned for the hardest of times and they were very interested to hear this. Was glad to have time to talk HOPE Dogs!

Agency: Responder First representing Oregon Health Authority
Teams: Mackenzie Blake