Phoenix Municipal Court
Start Date: 2021-05-11Description: Hope was contacted to assist an eight year old witness to domestic abuse of her mother by her father. There was no pre-meeting scheduled so we met for the first time outside the courtroom. It was love at first sight between the child and Cinder. As the witnesses were not allowed to hear each others testimony we sat outside the courtroom until our time came to testify. When called, we walked in, the child carrying one leash, and I with the other. We took the stand, I sitting behind her on the floor, (the disadvantage of no pre-meeting as a chair was not provided for me.) Cinder helped by being a calm presence as this very poised eight year old testified against her father. Insuring she wouldn't be called again after her initial testimony we waited outside the courtroom where she and Cinder sat on the floor and bonded even more.
Agency: Prosecutor's OfficeTeams: None