Student Death NICE Community Schools (MI)

Start Date: 04/28/2022


4/28 and 4/29 was Day 2 and 3 of a 3-day Deployment to the NICE Community Schools. A Middle School student died unexpectedly in the school building while the school was in session on 4/25/2022. Becky Engelter and Ella had to leave deployment after the meeting.

Two of the canine teams and TL attended the meeting the morning of 4/28 for all staff. it was evident that staff were having difficulty dealing with this incident. A large number of Counselors were available from surrounding schools and mental health organization in the area to assist.

School resumed on 4/28/2022 at 11:00 am EST. Two teams (Kelly December/Daisy and Cathy Queen/Parker) were stationed in the high school, two teams (Julia Meier/Ischgl and Karen Alvord/Charles) were stationed at the middle/elementary school. One team, Cathy Queen/Parker was moved to the middle/elementary school after lunch, where the need was greatest.

4/29/2022: Three teams (Kelly December/Daisy, Cathy Queen/Parker and Julia Meier/Ischgl) were available and greeted the students at the entrances of the school and Library. It was decided to send the teams home at lunch time as it was noted that they had served their purpose.

Agency: Nice Community Schools

Karen Alvord with Charles; Julia Meier with Ischgl, Beky Engelter with Ella, Kelly December with Daisy; Cathy Queen with Parker
