Student Death of two brothers
Start Date: 2022-03-10Description: Edison High School lost two brothers in a car accident this week. Both boys played football for Edison High School and were popular students, one a senior and one a sophomore. Students and staff have been reeling trying to deal with the loss. We were able to comfort a few of the office staff in the administration building while waiting for the POC to get out of a meeting. We met the girlfriend of one of the boys who was a student at a neighboring high school but she was on campus to return his books and speak with each of his teachers and be with some of his friends. We were stationed for the most part in a room called the "Drop In" room which has a counselor on duty all day and a homey decor so kids struggling with anything can "drop in". They can speak with the counselor or just chill on the couch or play a game or do school work at a table. Snacks and water are available if they a hungry. The school made an announcement via loud speaker during 1st period that the dogs would be there for students who were struggling. The room had a steady stream of visitors all day. Most because they were grieving the loss of the 2 boys but a few stopped by because they were struggling with other issues. One boy in particular visiting about 2 or 3 times and sobbed with his head buried in Robby and Muffin. At one point one teacher requested we be outside on a small lawn area and he brought his class out there to visit the dogs. Throughout the day staff also came by for pets and love. The last period of the day we were asked to drop by the Varsity Football room were the counselor came with us and spoke to the boys and we stationed ourselves outside so any of them that wanted to come out and visit the dogs. At one point during the day while we were in the "drop in" room, the best friends of one of the brothers were there all together about 6 of them including his girlfriend. And they talked with the counselor as a group and told about their fond memories of the boy.
Agency: Edison High SchoolTeams: Jan Aven and Muffin