Suicide Awareness Prevention Event at Fort Meade, MD
Start Date: 2021-09-24Description: This was a 12 hour event much like the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. The logistics of gaining entry to Fort Meade can be difficult so it is important to allow plenty of time if entering with your own car. I chose to meet up with an arranged driver outside the gates and ride in with them. This was actually a wise move as the base is enormous and it was dark upon my arrival. Even the driver had a little difficulty finding the event location. I checked in with my contact, Laurie Hanley, upon arrival at the track. Opening ceremonies were at 6:00 but it was decided that it was best to have ZuZu there during hours when people would actually be able to interact with her. We walked the track and interacted with individuals who were also walking and with those manning activity tables. Everyone was very appreciative of our participation and support. There were a few sailors present who recognized ZuZu from a previous visit. We gave out many trading cards. The children present were excited to receive the trading cards. ZuZu was a bit distracted by the smells in the inner field of the track. There is a lot of wildlife present on the base and it appears they are prevalent on the field most nights. Laurie Hanley loved telling people about the HOPE dogs and how they have been called in to support the command at various times.
Agency: Suicide Prevention ProgramTeams: none