Virginia Beach 3 year Memorial
Start Date: 2022-05-31Description: Alene Carr requested HOPE teams for the Memorial Ceremony commemorating the 3rd anniversary of the shooting tragedy at the VB municipal complex leaving 12 dead. ZuZu and I arrived about 30 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony and we asked to establish ourselves at the comfort station. At the start of the service an announcement was made that the comfort station had counselors and therapy dogs should anyone find themselves in need of support during the service. Unfortunately, the location of the comfort station was not at a convenient distance from the participants. The ceremony lasted about 1 hour. During that time we interacted with some of the chaplains and counselors. When the ceremony was over ZuZu and I wandered amongst the attendees as they were leaving the area. There were a few people who recognized ZuZu and remarked on how much they appreciated our visiting 3 years ago and again today. One lady told us she still had ZuZu's trading card on her desk. Everyone we interacted with appreciated the fact that we were there to support folks.
Agency: Virginia BeachTeams: 0