Schriever AFB visit, Colorado Springs, CO
Start Date: 01/08/2020Description:
This was HOPE's third visit to Schriever AFB. This is a highly classified Air Force base and tensions can run very high. Today, we toured different parts of the base with Keeper, which enabled more people to benefit from the comfort and presence of a dog. It is clearly evident that almost everyone was excited to see Keeper again, and to have the opportunity to take breaks away from meetings and duties to sit on the floor and relax a bit. We always hear stories of their dogs and what they mean to them, which tells us all how much animals are needed in our lives. A wonderful female Colonel stopped in the middle of the hall to pet Keeper and talk with us, and encouraged everyone around her to do the same. The base photographer took photos last time, and this time we saw the amazing poster their media department is producing to announce our HOPE dog's next visit! They want to work on scheduling a dog or two once a month because they are seeing the benefits of this interaction on their troops. Ann, they haven't forgotten Kara either. It was an amazing day!!
Agency: Violence Prevention IntegratorTeams:
Dawn Griebelbauer & Keeper