2021 Virtual Health Fair

Start Date: 03/18/2021


We were contacted by this group who had previously scheduled us for their 2020 Health Fair which was canceled due to the pandemic. This year they conducted the Health Fair by Zoom. There were many presenters with various topics, such as Drugs and Other Bad Ideas, Preventing Disease, Healthy Living, Sexual Health, Hygiene, and Mental Health. Each one of us introduced ourselves and our dogs, then spoke about HOPE's mission and the deployments and events in which we have participated. Susan Johansen and Julie Bereckis lent their expertise as canine trainers and spoke about how a dog gets to be a HOPE Crisis dog.

Agency: Proviso Partners for Health Loyola University

Susan Johansen, Julie Bereckis & Deke, Cathy Barnes & Anela, Shay Jacobson & Tazer, Terri Rafter & Sweetie
