All Hazards, All Disciplines (AHAD) Meeting, Bozeman, MT

Start Date: 12/19/2019


Gallatin County's AHAD group meets every other month (although the October meeting was cancelled due to a shooting crisis unfolding that morning). Many of our local fire, police and county sheriff personnel were on site investigating and controlling the scene.

Today's AHAD meeting covered the following areas:
1. Introductions
2. Minutes approved from the August 15th meeting.
3. Topics presented, discussed and/or simply updated the status of included
*****the new EMS Committee feels it would be better served under the "umbrella" of AHAD rather than the Gallatin Fire Council. AHAD approved.
*****the summer 2020 full scale exercise coordinator was not present this area of discussion was "tabled" until the next meeting
*****Trainings:...Kevin Lauer, E.M. is now overseeing county and state wide trainings that are available to our folks and will find areas of training that are requested by response folks within the county (there are currently 12 on the schedule for 2020. From my perspective they are all more appropriate for first responding folks....not our HOPE AACR folks.
............NIMS Training Compliance handout was shared......these are required courses for three levels of leadership. The first level include "All Responders" need ICS 100, 200, IS 700 and IS 800. Some of these clearly work for us! There are two additional higher level trainings expected of those in greater response/leadership roles.
*****Patrick reminded the group of the three Annexes under review of the county's Emergency Response Plan. Please get back to him on those if you have any recommendations.
*****2020 Homeland Security Grants applications will be due in March 2020. Patrick opened the "floor" to a discussion of which groups are considering applying for grants. Gallatin County is allowed to submit three and they have to been reviewed and approved by AHAD. A brief introduction to two were discussed: #1 will likely come from the Big Sky Fire Dept. who is seeking funds to support new and additional I.T. equipment to bring about better E.O.C. needs during "high alert" events in an around their area....such as high ranking federal leadership traveling south of Bozeman to Yellowstone Park which involves a need for such equipment in the BIg Sky area. #2 was for Gallatin County Sheriff response to intermediately level responses in the Bozeman area. Due to increased population our county's budget is too tight to cover such needs. We can cover small 1-2 day events and the Federal Government will support nationally declared events, but the middle of the road events....does not currently have a significant budget to cover.

The next AHAD meeting will be held...Thursday, February 20, 2020.

Agency: Gallatin County Emergency Response

