American Red Cross of Montana

Start Date: 08/06/2019


Written reports on COAD meeting. Shelter in Helena read and discussed. Only 1 person showed up.
Mary said CISM training is offered by Civil Air Patrol if wanted.
Shelter update was given re Bozeman High School. Still waiting on paper work.
Currently there are 8 fires in Montana, mostly small and/or contained. No threatened properties.

Mary introduced Katherine and Carol with their team members Layla and Maggie. She said there are 8 teams in Montana ready to work, although there may be two dog retirees this year.
Mary reiterated to contact her if teams are needed.
The MOU with Red Cross and HOPE should be signed and effective by Sept.
Katherine will be provided with Park Co ARC contact names.

Madison Counties. Katherine will be supplied with Park Co contacts.

Agency: American Red Cross

Carol Baumann & Maggie, Katherine Howe & Layla, Mary Martin TL
