ARC Monthly, Bozeman, Montana

Start Date: 09/03/2019


* Guest Speakers
1. Diane Wright, Disaster Administration,Executive Director. She presented FY19 and projected FY20 data. She reviewed selected
objectives, targets and outcomes in several areas . She was pleased with the results.
ARC territories have recently been realigned. Montana and Idaho are a district within the Pacific region.
Improved communication between Blood Services and Humanitarian Services have made for smoother partnership.
2. Wendy McGrew, Regional Volunteer Services Officer. ARC needs transportation drivers to get blood from draw locations to banks
3. Shellie Creveling, Disaster Program Manager for Western Montana. Introduced herself and explained her new job role.
A signature event, “Sound the Alarm”, is planned for April in Bozeman/Belgrade area to give out smoke alarms. No details yet

*Rotary Fall Fix Up Festival. October 5

*Phone call from ARC member deployed to Charleston was received.

Agency: ARC

Katherine Howe & Layla
