Girl Scout Preparedness Day

Start Date: 04/16/2022


HOPE AACR MWR was asked to send a few teams to a Girl Scout camp (Sherwood Lodge) in Greenville, MI for an event on emergency preparedness and management. Originally four teams were scheduled but two were diverted to a search and rescue event a few hours north of Greenville. As such, Teams Oliver (Bob Starr) and Sunny (Angie Moe) attended the event. We arrived early to meet the organizers and acquaint ourselves to the locale. The dogs were an instant success and attention draw and scouts, leaders, and guardians began arriving. The event started shortly after 11am with a group meeting and then the scouts rotated through four modules. We were located with the "Careers in Emergency Preparedness/Management" module along with two representatives from the Michigan State Police and Department of Homeland Security. We each shared our respective roles with the scouts, talked about the salience of volunteerism, and fielded questions. The dogs enjoyed much petting and cuddling. It was a fun and "easy lift" for the HOPE teams.

Agency: Michigan State Police

Bob Starr & Oliver
