January meetings report

Start Date: 2022-01-04

Description: January 2022 started off with many of the same types of meetings I have been attending over the years. Most remain virtually attended. Jan. 4th....AMERICAN RED CROSS (60 minutes)....new ARC members recognized, a Guest Speaker from Greater Impact spoke on three primary programs within their organization having to do with auto repairs (volunteers work on small types of car repairs for clients otherwise unable to too), the Housing Team (working with clients at risk for evacuations) and the Coaching Team (again volunteers helping within recovery programs. Updates were provided for local ARC fire responses since Thanksgiving (2), and state wide sheltering and fire calls that our local folks have responded to over the last three years: 2019 = 2 shelters and 12 fire calls, 2020 had 6 shelters and 28 fire calls, AND 2021 had 17 shelters and 16 fire calls. Jan 6th - Montana VOAD met for 30 minutes...primarily agency updates and an update on the fire destroying much of Denton, MT Jan 13th - Mass Care Committee (within SW MT COAD) met for 30 minutes and primarily reported on subcommittee work since last November. Those Subcommittees include Food (Gallatin Food Bank, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Care (I reported out what HOPE AACR has done - Vaccination Clinics in Montana and the Marshall Fire in Colorado), Sheltering (ARC reported out- see above) and Child Care (staffing issues continue to be a primary concern as is funding. Jan 19th - SW Montana Coad met for 45 minutes. Discussion areas included agency updates, initial plans for a 2022 COAD DRILL, likely Table Top exercise and what 2 of the 3 Counties Emergency Managers are seeing in the areas....

Agency: American Red Cross, SW MT COAD and MT VOAD meetings
Teams: none