Kalamazoo County Response Consortium Monthly Meeting
Start Date: 10/24/2019Description:
This was our 2nd interaction with the multi-agency emergency preparedness group known as the Kalamazoo County Response Consortium. Several of the same individuals we met at the first meeting (table top exercise) were present and warmly welcomed us once again. The objective of this meeting was to work on a community list of service providers in the event we would need to quickly and efficiently organize around a crisis. HOPE AACR MWR will be included on the list (I will reach out to Nick to confirm what information should be included).
The meeting occurred at the United Way offices in Kalamazoo, and the majority of staff here already knew us from a trauma conference last May. Once word spread that we were in the building, several additional faces began popping in and out of the Consortium meeting to say "hi" to Sunny. Following the meeting we walked through the rest of the offices to do more visiting.
Agency: Kalamazoo County Response ConsortiumTeams:
Angie Moe and Sunny