Mass Care Committee/SWMT COAD, Montana

Start Date: 04/14/2020


The Mass Care Subcommittee meets weeks via Zoom. During that time each of the subcommittees updates committee members of what has transpired over the past week. I reported on behalf of the Mental Health, Emotional and Spiritual Care Subcommittee.

That subcommittee has two working TEAMS....the Mental Health Team which updated on community emergency services for those experiencing low, medium and HIGH level M.H. issues, the Bozeman School District impacts, how the Help Center/211 has experienced a high volume of anxiety drivien calls for support, Montana State University's support of staff and students working on-line, etc. The Spiritual Care Team will have its first meeting on April 22nd. We are close to having 3-4 Area Chaplains available for handling "need requests" for faith/spiritual support. For further details: Please contact Mary Martin.

Agency: SW MT COAD

