RISE 2019 (Radiological Integrated State Exercise) IN

Start Date: 08/29/2019


This was Christine and Trouper's first State Level Exercise. Participants included individuals from IDHS (Indiana Department of Homeland Security), FEMA, IN-VOAD, and American Red Cross, along with almost 40 Emergency Management Directors from four Indiana districts. The drill centered around developing a plan for the relocation of individuals affected by a radiological event that impacts Roseland, Ind., a town in St. Joseph County.

Trouper and Christine's primary role was to travel between the EOC (Emergency Operations Center) and IMT (Incident Management Team) and alleviate the stress of those actively participating in the drill. Trouper brought many smiles and received lots of petting!

In the EOC Hot Wash, Trouper was mentioned as one of the positive elements of the exercise. Christine and Trouper also were thanked by and received positive feedback from an IDHS staff member who said that from 9 am on, all he heard were positive comments about a dog being present.

A lot of interest was shown in learning more about HOPE AACR and Team Trouper had many opportunities to promote HOPE's mission and answer questions about HOPE AACR throughout the day.

It was an honor for Team Trouper to represent HOPE AACR at this state level exercise.

Agency: Indiana Department of Homeland Security

Christine Schaubert & Trouper
