Southwest Montana COAD mtg., Bozeman

Start Date: 11/20/2019


SW MT COAD meeting included the following major points:
1. Welcome, introductions of individuals attending and their respective organizations, and October meeting minutes approved.
2. New Business: Table Top Exercise (conducted by Patrick Lonergan (Gallatin County E.M.) and Austin Troth (Civil Air Patrol officer)
a. Scenario was read: a strong winter storm blew into area the middle of June creating extensive damages throughout the city and surrounding
counties, 2 feet of heavy wet snow and significant temperature changes resulting in loss of power, downed trees, damages incurred area
wide with buildings, businesses, and homes, schools closed, etc....within 4 days temperatures moderated causing significant flooding ....
b. All attending agencies were asked if their representatives had received urgent "preparedness" messaging (email, phone, and text) sent out by
County E.M. 24 hours prior ........Mary acknowledged the system worked for HOPE AACR (as did each agency...a few problems were noted.
c. Agencies were asked to meet within the 4 major response areas: Mass Care (this is the one HOPE AACR fits best under), Community Recovery
(physical), Emergency Response, and Donations. We were tasked to discuss what each agency could offer with needed resources as the
disaster unfolded. Those responses were then discussed and multiple questions were brought before in entire group.
d. Multiple agencies were not in attendance today which did make it difficult to have a full response evaluation during the discussion phase.
e. We actually ran out of time with the above ran over with the debriefing segment of the exercise. The group did find the TTex
helpful as a starting point.......more of this is needed.
3. Our next SW MT COAD meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 18th at 1:00 p.m.
4. Today's meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m.

Agency: SW MT COAD

Suzy Saltiel
