Southwest Montana COAD mtg.
Start Date: 08/01/2020Description:
AUGUST MEETINGS (approx. 4 hours in total)on behalf of SW Montana COAD (activated March of 2020 in response to COVID 19 with our tri-county area). Each of these meetings that I have either attended and/or been in some leadership level was done so on behalf of our communities experiencing this unprecedented crisis (while representing HOPE AACR...a member of SW MT COAD and MT VOAD.
Aug. 11th and Aug. 25th....9:30 -10:30 a.m......Mass Care Committee.....reporting the status for subcommittees for: FEEDING, CHILD CARE, SHELTERING, and MENTAL HEALTH, EMOTIONAL AND SPIRITUAL CARE. This Committee is meeting twice a month.
Aug. 13th... 9:30-10:30 a.m......Mental Health "Team meeting (a part of the Mental Health, Emotional and Spirtual Care subcommittee. This "team" meets once a month to update "TEAM" members as to the status of M.H. services being requested for support. This Team is currently meeting once a month.
Aug. 19th....1-2:00 p.m........SW MT COAD monthly update member organizations (about 35 currently) of COVID 19 responses to community needs requested primarily with the areas of Mental Health, Child Care, and Financial support. Discussions went on to include issues around the 2020 Fire Season and Montana's status as well as our tri-county area. The SW MT COAD meets once a month.
Agency: SW MT COADTeams:
Suzy Saltiel during the Mental Health meeting and SW MT COAD meeting