Southwest Montana COAD mtg./ Mass Care Sub-Committee
Start Date: 03/19/2020Description:
The Mass Care Committee operates as a part of the SW MT COAD organization. Within that committee are 4 teams: shelter, food, child care, and mental health, emotional and spiritual care. HOPE AACR falls in the last "team" of the Mass Care committee.
Each of the four teams had an opportunity to discuss, share, and collaborate with other committee members how each is gearing up for the very real need our community is going to need going forward.
Folks will be able to call 211 with requests for needs as well as the Gallatin County Coordination Center is trying to create a daily Liaison Person that answers "need requests" being called in. Most of the latter at this point are from essential workers at this point.
General overview of individual topics discussed:
1. Sheltering...ARC will continue to respond to disasters outside of the scope of COVID 19 (such things as house fires and possible flooding issues in the Spring), but will NOT be able to set up Shelters for COVID 19 patients as ARC personnel are not trained on the health ramifications.
2. Food...Both the Salvation Army and Gallatin Valley Food Bank are already providing (sack lunches/breakfasts - SA) and Food Bank is handing out pre-bagged non-perishable items to those driving through their parking lot (they have gone from about 64 requests to over 85 requests for bags of food/day).
3. Child Care.....Child Care Connections will be providing care for children ages 0-6 for essential workers and United Way is working on child care for K-8th grade in two facilities (YMCA and Hope Lutheran Church). There is a current need request for over 200 children starting March 23.
4. Mental Health, Emotional, and Spiritual Care .... is just getting off the ground. Mary Martin has agreed (for the time being) to Lead that Team. She will report back next week as to what resources are currently being geared up for Essential Working folks and the general community. A "tidal wave" of needs in just around the corner for this one!