SW MT American Red Cross meeting, Bozeman, MT

Start Date: 12/03/2019


ARC meeting Dec. 3

Tonight's meeting covered:
1. Introductions
2. Luis Islas, Regional Philanthropy Officer for ARC, and represents the Idaho and Montana Region. Luis recently moved to Livingston, Montana from the Boise, ID area and is in the process of introducing himself to local ARC members, outlining the purpose of his recent move from Idaho to Montana, and how he is "charged" with the re-connecting with at least 39 large scale Montana donors (those who annually gift ARC with $2500/year or more. Montana's fundraising averages around $1.6 million/year and Idaho $2.75 million/year.
3. Linda walked us all through the new procedures in signing up for Disaster Action Team responses. (This is NOT something we do as HOPE AACR members. This involves ARC volunteers signing up for monthly availability dates they can be "on call" for disasters within our local communities that are served by this group.
4. Kris Nichols (ARC volunteer) reported on meetings she had attended last month including the TTex with the SW MT COAD group and the LEPC meeting in Park County last month.
5. Ernie Lytle updated us on "Sheltering" issues within our counties.
6. Bill and Jim updated us on a recent "Smoke Alarm" install involving a 'new of its kind' "Bedshaker alarm"....only available to clients that are deaf and unable to hear a regular smoke alarm.
7. Linda and Allison updated us on last month's West Yellowstone fire that displaced four families.
8. Misc. discussion points included brief updates on: contact information with SACKS (a local 2nd hand store in our area), December's Christmas gathering at Linda and Bill Racicot's home on the 13th, and various meetings yet to be attended by ARC folks this month.

Agency: American Red CRoss

