SW MT American Red Cross meeting, Montana
Start Date: 10/01/2019Description:
The meeting was called to order at: 5:30 p.m.
Attendees included: Louise Weldon, Jim Weldon, Bill Racicot, Carl Nichols, Mary Martin, Linda Racicot, Ernie Lytle, Kerri Strasheim, Robin Cory, Valerie Utley, and Kris Nichols.
New Business:
1. SW MT COAD meeting - Linda reported that the meeting centered around notification of the various organizations. This process resulted in some changes to the committees. More work will be done on this in November.
2. Belgrade Fall Festival Parade – Ernie drove the Traverse in the parade with 3 walkers passing out candy. Mandy, Bill and Linda were the walkers.
3. Sheltering Update – Louise and Ernie need to get in touch with Todd at the BHS to complete the changes in usable space.
4. Rotary Fall Fix Up Festival - Ernie: 11 clients will partake in the event. Date is October 5. Meet at 8:00 at the office at 300 N. Willson.
5. Signature Smoke Alarm Event in Belgrade and Bozeman – It was agreed that May 1 and 2 would be our dates for the event.
6. Deployment – Robin relayed her experience of deployment in South Carolina for Hurricane Dorian.
7. Belgrade Fire – Kerri, Carl and Ernie reported on the fire involving an RV and a mobile home. One of the issues they encountered was that this happened on a football weekend, and there were no hotel rooms available from Livingston to Three Forks. One room was located eventually. Alternatives to hotels will have to be examined.
8. There was also a fire in Big Sky, but the family declined ARC’s assistance.
9. Holiday Parties – The annual potluck party will be at Linda’s house on December 8. The annual Red Cross appreciation dinner will be January 10, and it is desired that we have it at Fork and Spoon.
10. Future meetings/events:
..........COAD meeting in Livingston on Oct. 16 – Kris
..........AHAD meeting on Oct. 17 – Kerri
11. SALVATION ARMY THRIFT STORE (in Bozeman) HAS CLOSED. So don't refer clients to that location.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 5, 2019, 5:30 to 7:00 pm at the Billion Conference Roo
Agency: American Red CRossTeams: