SWMT COAD/ Communications Com. and Mental Health Subcommittee
Start Date: 06/02/2020Description:
The month of June is noticeably lighter in terms of committee/subcommittee meetings. Some of SWMT COAD organizations are stepping back from weekly meetings to 1-2/month. We are seeing an uptick in the number of COVID 19 cases within our state and county, over that same period of time, not surprising with Montana's opening. We are now in Phase 2 of our state/county opening. Our county has experienced about a dozen positive cases since mid-May.
I participated in two meetings, the Communications Committee (June 2) and the Mental Health Subcommittee (June 4).
The Communications Committee discussed 2-3 Press Releases (dealing with COVID 19 coping skills and summer programs/child care over the next three months). They also discussed changing the meeting scheduled to every other week....next meeting (Zoom) will be June 16th at 1:00 p.m.
The Mental Health Subcommittee - met to update members on current status of various programs...Behavioral Urgent Care Center, Community Health Partners, MSU, Help Center, Thrive, HOPE AACR. The Communications Committee also updated us on the status of remaining Mental Health topic's planned for Press Release and/or Guest Column in local newspaper. The last part of our meeting was devoted to discussion questions of how our organizations are coping (staff, patients, delivery models) as our communities are shifting gears and re-opening businesses. We also took about 5 minutes on what our own "coping skills" are looking like.
I worked another 3-4 hours on committee work, phone calls, and state-wide emails all associated with SWMT COAD outside of actual meetings.
Agency: SW Montana COADTeams:
Suzy Saltiel during the Mental Health meeting