Kincade Fire #2

Start Date: 10/30/2019


Continuing the deployment by Cal Fire Per support, Linda and I traveled on 10/30/2019.  After a quick break, we arrived at the Cal fire base camp at 7pm at the Santa Rosa fairgrounds. After meeting with Stephanie and Berlin, and checking in with our POC, we visited with fire fighters and support personnel until 10:30pm. The number of interactions and overwhelming response we had, including fire fighters running after us to pet the dogs, gave us such a sense of purpose here. We had been asked to attend morning briefings at 7am and shift change at 7pm by our POC. For the next three days our teams got up early and traveled many miles to make this happen. The Bay Area was experiencing a cold snap starting Thursday so temps were in the 30s in the mornings and dropped significantly at night. Teams arrived by 7am to attend the briefing.  We then went out to the engines and  "support trailers" as well. Around noon we would leave and take a break until returning around 5pm meeting with fire fighters coming in off 24 hour shifts until we would leave at around 8-9pm. The Airbnb Anna secured for the teams was a very welcomed sight after our long days. The Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) college was threatened by the fire and evacuated during this fire. The CCI personnel evacuated over 80 dogs and puppies. Thankfully all are safe! Many members of CCI brought dogs out to visit the base camp. We met some amazing people from their organization and they in turn thanked us for what we do! Cal fire peer support invited us to join in with CCI for a local news cast and photo shoot with the dogs helping the fire fighters in base camp. With CCI and other therapy dogs present we were vigilant to keep our space and work in different areas of the camp. I will say I was proud of HOPE.  We were there in the early morning and especially later in the evenings and the response to that was very gratifying! As team leader I want to give a big thank you to Michael and Kathy for paving the way.  All the teams worked so hard! Big shout out to Lisa McCoy and Roma for their first deployment, they did great!  The number of special interactions were too many too mention. Many fire fighters recognized HOPE from other  base camps especially the Tubbs fire. I met the same fire fighter who was at the route 91 concert.  Star gave her a Route 91 one year anniversary pin to at the Woolsey fire last year.  Just in time to give him her 2 year anniversary pin!  All teams deployed by Sunday November 3rd.

Agency: Cal Fire Peer Support

Linda Teahen-Calvin 10/30-11/3 Stephanie Berger-Berlin 10/30-31 Lisa Mccoy-Roma 10-31-11/2 Katy Priest-Wall E 10-31-11/3
