Thank you for considering giving to HOPE! Your donation directly supports our mission to provide comfort and encouragement through animal-assisted support to individuals affected by crises and disasters.
GivingTuesday is December 3, 2024!
Join us in this amazing generosity movement and please choose HOPE AACR for your charitable giving. Click our Donate Button above or start a Fundraiser through Facebook with Hope AACR as the benefactor. Share and invite your friends! From our teams across the US & Canada – THANK YOU for supporting our mission!
Thank you for supporting Michelle & Peter’s HOPE Across America Walk!
Part 1: Michelle and her dog Kip are members of HOPE AACR. Michelle’s fundraising walk across America began September 9, 2023 in Carlsbad, CA. Michelle walked 2,600 miles to raise funds for HOPE Animal-Assisted Crisis Response. Michelle completed her 2,600 mile journey on January 20, 2024 when she stepped into the Atlantic Ocean! Learn more about their journeys on their Facebook page: HOPE Across America Walk-Kip
Part 2: Peter completed his journey across the country and also dedicated his run to support HOPE AACR! He began his journey on April 10, 2024 and completed his run in Newport, Oregon on September 2, 2024. Thank you for supporting Michelle, Peter, Kip and HOPE! Visit their Facebook group to watch the video of Peter finishing his run in Oregon! Peter Reaches the Pacific Ocean
Funds or in-kind donations gratefully accepted. Key needs include: