Maricopa County Prosecutors office

Start Date: 2021-05-11

Description: HOPE was called to assist a minor child testifying against her father in a domestic abuse case. There was no opportunity to meet prior to the court date as COVID-19 restrictions were in place. We meet the eight year old child along with her mother and boyfriend outside the courtroom. It was love at first sight. When it came time to testify we all walked in together, her confidence boosted by having Cinder by her side. (Without a prior meeting there was no chair provided for me so I sat on the floor behind the witness chair) After she finished, we returned to the hallway outside the courtroom waiting for the judge to render her verdict. The mother was very concerned because the custody exchange was to take place that day. Cinder sensed the mother was stressed and began to divide her time between mother and child. The verdict was finally rendered (guilty) but the minor child had to go home with dad that day.

Agency: City Prosecutor
Teams: None