If you would like to support HOPE AACR with a donation, we have two ways for you to donate:
- Donate by check via mail using our printable Mail-In Donation Form.
- Donate with a credit card, debit card, or PayPal using a secure server.
- For Paypal: Please list your name and address in the “Note to seller” section of the form so we can acknowledge your donation (otherwise we won’t know who you are). For current members who are renewing, please forward a copy of your PayPal receipt to your Regional Director and the Hope AACR Treasurer.
#GivingTuesday December 3, 2019 
HOPE Animal-Assisted Crisis Response (HOPE AACR) members across the nation are participating in this year’s #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. Every year this event falls on the Tuesday following American Thanksgiving, so that day of giving this year is December 3, 2019.
You can help HOPE bring comfort to those in need in many ways:
– Shop and Support – No cost ways to shop and donate
– Wish List – In kind donations that we need
– Monetary Donations – online and through the mail
Please scroll down for more information
Thank you for considering donating to HOPE AACR. Your donations and support will go toward supporting the organization in our mission to bring comfort to those affected by crises and disasters. Please know that we are an all-volunteer organization. Your contributions go directly to the work we do. Donations help in many ways, such as defraying the costs associated with training and certifying new crisis teams, developing training programs and materials, and helping to reduce the out of pocket costs our members incur when they deploy.
Shop and Support!
You can support HOPE with how you shop! We have two programs set up where a portion of what you spend will be donated to HOPE. This doesn’t cost you anything and it provides much needed funds!
- Amazon Smile
This completely free program gives .5% of your purchases back to HOPE!
Ready to help out? Click Here to go to the sign up web page and type in HOPE AACR where it says “Pick your own charitable organization” to sign up.
Then just shop as usual through Amazon by entering at smile.amazon.com.
Wish List
Funds or in-kind donations gratefully accepted. Key needs include:
- Funds to support sending teams to crisis and disaster sites (hotels, gas, airfare, meals)
- In-kind donation of an independent audit to support grant proposals and Combined Federal Campaign application
- Free or low cost teleconference services to support callout coordination and organization operations
- Reduced cost insurance coverage – our volunteers are covered by liability, medical and Officers insurance – lowering insurance costs would enable us to send more teams to disaster sites
- Video about HOPE – Need a project for school? We need a video to tell our story!
- Expanding new volunteer training
- Public relations – web site, brochures, business cards
- Dues for membership in local, state and National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster
View our Wish List to see the details of what your contributions can help us do!