Chandler Domestic Violence Breakfast
Start Date: 09/26/2019Description:
We were invited to attend this annual event for the City of Chandler. This is the fourth year we've attended. One year we were even honored to be introduced on stage with seven teams in attendance. At the event we heard about several programs and shelters that are taking pets and sheltering and fostering them for DV victims until they are able to get beack on their feet. We also learned that the laws are beginning to recognise that pets are often the first to be abused or threatened to be abused or killed in a DV situation as leverage to keep victims from leaving their abuser. We also heard testimony from an abuser who was close to death before leaving her situation and her bulldog's behavior had been molded through the abuser's violence to turn against her and become agressive to help her abuser increase his control over her. We also were honored to hear the fabulous Chandler HS Barbershop Choir perform. We were able to network at this event where we met the Chandler Chief of Police, Sam Duggan, who was very receptive to our cause. When I was telling him about our organization, I pre-empted the conversation with "I know you now have your facility dog, Annie, that your training for special victims...." He interupted and said, "But Annie is just one dog! I'm going to make sure the right people get this information and you will be getting a call."
Agency: Chandler Domestic Violence CommissionTeams:
Marla Martella and Beth Ells