Mass Care Committee/SWMT COAD, Montana

Start Date: 03/26/2020


This conference call is LED by Kristin Horn using a Zoom link with the following broad points covered:
**** Food subcommittee...Salvation Army continues to offering sack breakfasts and lunches to those in need....Firehouse Subs are brought in daily to feed Response personnel at Gallatin County Coordination Center Su-Sat....the Gallatin Food Bank continues to provide pre=bagged non-perishable food bags as a curb-side service. They are looking for more volunteers to work that service.
**** Sheltering subcommittee...Linda Racicot with American Red Cross reminded everyone that the warming shelter has closed.... local motels and the Gallatin Fairgrounds/buildings are not welcoming the homeless at this time. However, Mountain View Care Home, Gallatin Valley Care Home and MSU are all in the initial contact and discussion phase as to whether those facilities might be an answer for the homeless. Daily personal hygiene care at the Warming Center is ending March 31.
****Childcare subcommittee...led by Kristin Horn (CCC for 0-6 ages) and Sarah Lutiger (YMCA for grades K-8) reported that the safest care is within the family unit, however if parents are unable to care for their children when working...parents must contact Kevin Larsen to go through a vetting process. Child Care is provided at the Gathering Place and Head Start facilities for 0-6 and YMCA for K-8th starting March 30th. Kristing/CCC is working hard to establish child care options within Park County.
****Mental Health, Emotional and Spiritual Care subcommittee led by Mary Martin. This group is working on establishing contacts within two primary areas: Mental Health and Spiritual Care. They are building resources to triage mental health support requests as the COVID 19 crisis continues to build. The Spiritual care side is in need of additional resources to get this opportunity up and ready in the event that need requests for spiritual comfort and care come in.

Agency: SW MT COAD

