MTVOAD weekly meeting, Montana
Start Date: 03/26/2020Description:
MTVOAD has been activated for the COVID 19 crisis as of March 18. They continue to conduct weekly meetings to update and share current practices with its membership. Some highlights to the March 26th meeting include:
***updates from DES, DPHHS, and four Montana COADS (Missoula, Ravalli, SWMT COAD (Park, Gallatin, Madison) and Elkhorn (Lewis and Clark) were shared. Each COAD seems to share similar needs, work load, and commitment to county's needs.
***Help Great Falls is a group of Faith Based organizations working on creating a new COAD group for that area. They will speak at next week's meeting.
***Sitreps (Situational Reports) on the state level needed some clarification and how they are utilized with all 56 counties in Montana.
***MTVOAD new slate of officers were approved during this meeting: Gerald Auch - President/Team Rubicon President....Abbra Firman - Vice-President/American Red Cross.....Meghan Holton - Secretary/Montana Legal Services Assoc. and Dick Deschamps - Member at Large/Lutheran Services.
***a new Subcommittee LEAD for Donation Management was approved: Lori Waddell who will oversee the financial and physical donations coming in during a disaster.
Agency: MTVOADTeams:
Harry Schlitz