Rural and Ready (MI)

Start Date: 08/01/2019


This yearly event was put on by our local health department. They brought in a main speaker who was Dr. Menes. He is an ER doctor who was working the night of the Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas. Not only did he share his story of working that night, but he shared a lot of incite in to prepping for an MCI.

Other speakers included Steve Keck for our local Coast Guard base. He educated us on Active Shooter situations and what we can do if ever confronted in a situation of that nature. We also heard from the FBI on Human Trafficking (The task force that Raven and I sit on for the victims advocacy) and also Smart 911 from our Central Dispatcher Missy Robbins.

Overall it was a super informative day and I am very glad I was able to be in attendance.

Agency: Chippewa County Health Department

Brenda Ransom & Raven
