San Mateo County Annual Disaster Preparedness Event
Start Date: 09/21/2019Description:
This annual event has been staffed by HOPE K9 teams for many years, beginning with Jeannie Eagan & Annie. The list of participating agencies is enormous, representing every conceivable organization that might be even peripherally associated with a disaster. All of the familiar ones were present in abundance (Red Cross, Cal-OES, Cal-Fire, local Sheriff and Police Departments, and several CERT groups).
Given we had a single K-9 team available, it was decided our impact and exposure would be maximized by actively circulating both inside and outside the venue rather than being tied to a table. As such, Molly was appreciated by innumerable disaster-related personnel and lay attendees (at least 100). HOPE pamphlets and Molly trading cards were freely distributed.
In short, the HOPE-flag was well represented.
Agency: District 2 San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, Supervisor Carole GroomTeams: