Southwest Montana COAD mtg. and subcommittee meetings

Start Date: 2020-04-20

Description: Here are the various Committee and Subcommittee meetings I attended for the week of April 20-24, 2020 1. 1 hour......Mass Care Subcommittee....Tuesday, April 21, 2020 ((9:30-10:30 a.m.) 2. 1 hour......Communications Committee...Tuesday, April 21, 2020 (1-2:00 p.m.) 3. 1 hour......Spiritual Care Team (subcommittee/Lead Mary Martin)......Wednesday, April 22, 2020 4. 1 hour......Mental Health Team (subcommittee/Lead = Mary Martin)....Thursday, April 23, 2020...where Suzy Saltiel and Nancy Dodd with Yuki attended 5. 1 hour......HOPE AACR Montana debriefing meeting for our Montana HOPE teams following the morning meeting that Nancy and Yuki attended 6. 1 hour......SWMT COAD Leadership Meeting with Kevin Larsen (Gallatin County Emergency Management) All of these meetings were conducted on the virtual logistics (Zoom or Microsoft Teams) working collectively on behalf of community response to COVID 19 within Gallatin, Madison, and Park counties (SW MT COAD). If members have any questions, please direct to Mary Martin (

Agency: SW MT COAD
Teams: Suzy Saltiel (TL) and Nancy Dodd with Yuki (K-9 team)