SW MT American Red Cross meeting, Bozeman, MT
Start Date: 04/07/2020Description:
Monthly Meeting Minutes
April 7, 2020 – 5:30 to 7:00 PM
JC Billion, Cottonwood and Fallon, Jeep Building
Bill Racicot
Carl Nichols
Cindy Bender
Louise Weldon
Jim Weldon
Kris Nichols
Mary Martin
Kat McBee Linda Racicot Robin Cory Val Utley Shellie Creveling Kerri Strasheim Syd Brosten Joanne Brosten Karl Mahn Janine Mahn
New Protocol: Shellie reviewed the latest protocol for sheltering and mask usage. More open mic meetings will be held.
COAD Meeting – Louise summarized the last COAD meeting. At that time, they were engaging child care for essential workers. The Donation team was beginning to fundraise. The Food Bank was operational but not accepting physical donations.
Linda updated the team on the latest Mass Sheltering activities. Child care is being done in 2 locations – one for K-8 with 10 children and one for 0-6 with 12 children. More families are in need of the child care as the Pandemic continues. Sheltering is focusing on the homeless since the Warming Center is closed for evening use. They are still open 10-2 daily for hygiene needs. The GVFB is using a drive-up service to supply families, and is asking for cash donations. Salvation Army is serving breakfast from 9-10 daily and has sack lunches available. They are also supplying meals for the EOC.
Cindy Bender reported that Urban Kitchen will supply free meals for anyone who needs one.
Mary reported on the activities of the newly formed Mental, Emotional and Spiritual committee. They have split into two groups to be more efficient. The community of mental health professionals have come together quickly. 211 is acting as triage. An Urgent Care facility for mental health needs is developing, with more details to come. The Spiritual Care team is not coming together as quickly, understandably with this being a traditional busy week for many religions. Mary also reported that the Hope dogs have to stand down with the concerns of social distancing.
AHAD Medical Emergency Committee: Robin attended the meeting, and it focused on ambulance services and how they should respond.
Park County LEPC meeting: Kris reported that Park Co has brought in the resources needed for this Pandemic. They’re looking at the Livingston armory should they need a facility for sheltering/isolation, etc.
Sheltering: Louise reported that there is not much activity at this point. Ernie was expecting a call from the fairgrounds.
Memorial Day Parade: Linda reported that we will be in the parade with the car and the ERV should the parade still be held. Please mark your calendars and walk or ride in one of the vehicles.
Partnerships with Hotels: Joanne has reached out to hotels in our 3 county area. Many managers are not available, but most hotels would be willing to work with us in a sheltering capacity. Many are booked for the summer.
Responses: Robin has had some calls for medical services.
COAD meeting April 15 at 1:00 - Virtual – Kris and Linda
Please sign up on DCSOps for your turn as the lead for fire responses.
Please make an appointment for blood donation if you are able.
Please take any classes you need to advance or that you’re interested. Please become a supervisor – Linda has the classes you need.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 5:30 to 7:00 pm at either Billion Conference Room or Zoom
Agency: American Red CRossTeams: