Volunteer Agency meetings for June 2021
Start Date: 01/06/2021Description:
June 1st...American Red Cross mtg....met from 6-7:15 pm virtually. This meeting was primarily focused on TT exercise around an airplane disaster at our local airport. Mass Casualties were discussed along with sheltering responses. This Table Top followed an actual drill that our airport was required to host earlier in May, but ARC was unable to participate due to COVID precautions. I was able to offer some insight to the newest members of what my experiences has been in working (as a HOPE AACR responder) to an actual airport disaster back in 2009. At that time we worked alongside of the NTSB whose Family Representative came from the East Coast and had had experience in working with HOPE Canine Teams in the past. The rest of the ARC meeting was devoted to fire updates in our local area.
June 3rd...Mental Health Subcommittee Meeting canceled for June
June 3rd...Montana VOAD met for a quick update (just 15 minutes). They will meet again in early July.
June 7th...Communications Subcommittee (SW MT COAD) met from 2-3:00 to set major goal setting going forward...and needing funding to do so.
June 8th...Mass Care Committee (SW MT COAD)...met from 9:30 - 10:05 with basic updates within the four basic areas: SHELTERING (ARC), they continue supporting families facing housefires as well as a hostage negotiation crisis that required moving folks from homes near by during the event...FOOD (Salvationa Army and Gallatin Food Bank), they remain busy supporting those with food insecurities across the county....CHILDCARE updates on existing program status as well as fundraising and Emotional Care (HOPE AACR's recent work out of state in Boulder, CO.
June 16th...SW MT COAD...met in-person for the first time and spent an hour on fire updates around the state and locally, how COVID clinics have switched from mass vaccinations opportunities to more local venues reaching with availability of shots going forward, large and small animal sheltering work advances since our large local fire Sept. of 2020 and the Communications Committee bringing forth their "goals going forward".
June 21st....Communications Committee is now going to meet monthly the first Monday after the SW MT COAD meeting. We met today for an hour to brainstorm ideas with the SW MT COAD Coordinator regarding the directions that group wants this committee to focus on and whether it requires a By-laws change.
Agency: SW MT COAD, American Red Cross, MT VOADTeams:
Carol Baumann (MH meeting)